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Re: directories for temporary files

Reinhard Kotucha writes:
> However, there is a bug in /etc/profile.  The variables TMP and TEMP
> are set to /tmp but they are absolutely useless.  These variables are
> not used by any program.  Thus all programs write temporary files to
> /tmp, regardless of the settings TMP or TEMP.

They are used by Windows programs when they are started from Cygwin.
Those lines are actually preceded by a comment that explains this.

> The appropriate variable on Unix is TMPDIR.  It's recognized by
> programs on *all* Unix systems.
> You can confirm this easily.  Create a directory /tmp/foo and set
> TMPDIR=/tmp/foo.  You'll see that all temporary files go to the
> specified directory then.  No chance with TMP or TEMP.

âand since the default already is /tmp there is no reason to set this
variable explicitly in /etc/profile.

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