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Re: Questions about creating a package or not

Thanks for your answers.

Do I need to compile it with 64 bits tools to distribute it with cygwin64 ?
Or can I compile the 32 bits version and distribute both ports
(cygwin32 and cygwin64)?

"In this king of package compiling 64 bits has no sense".

Thanks a lot.

2015-03-05 14:59 GMT+01:00 Andrew Schulman <>:
>> Hello,
>> I have compiled monit in cygwin but some of the functionalities are not aware.
>> I don't have the necessary programming experience to provide them.
>> The binary is usable, and I supply the unaware features with some
>> wrapper scripts that "do same job".
>> After talking with the monit company, they will not release a monit
>> release for cygwin in the near feature.
>> What should I do? Create a package alerting that some of the
>> functionalities are not aware? Don't create a package? Forget it?
> Many free software packages have to be adjusted to be used in Cygwin.  Sometimes
> not every feature works.  This is perfectly okay.
> If you think the version you have works well enough to be useful, and you're
> willing to maintain it, then yes, please go ahead and package it.  You should
> start by reading, as Marco said.
> Andrew
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