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Re: Using FIFO's in Cygwin.

>> Q: is the model of the FIFO in Cygwin different from the one used in Linux? Note: the question is about
>> the model for FIFO's in blocking mode ...
>> Non-blocking complicates things even more ...
> FIFOs in Cygwin are using Windows named pipes, and the implementation
> was never really complete and never really worked as on Linux,
> unfortunately.  The FIFO stuff probably needs a really good kick and
> maybe a solution not using those dreaded named pipes.

Thank you for the confirmation!

> I'll probably look into that again at one point, it's just that my
> TODO list is getting too long already :}

Yes, I am very much aware of that (I guess) ... do not put them on your
list on my account (or else put them at the bottom of your list) ... as
long as nobody else is complaining, why would you?

As we all need rest now and then, there is a limit to what can be done
by each of us (otherwise we will fail in trying doing too much).


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