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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: texinfo-5.2-3

On 11/2/2014 8:30 AM, Angelo Graziosi wrote:
Ken Brown wrote:
...but the command 'makeinfo --pdf' won't work unless you install texinfo-tex

Before the splitting I had installed the texinfo package and it did not require
any TeXLive packages.

That was because I had decided not to require texlive, since so much of the functionality of texinfo was usable without it. But it was still the case with the old packaging that 'makeinfo --pdf' wouldn't work without a TeX installation.

Now If I try to install also texinfo-tex package, setup wants to install also
texlive packages which I don't need.

The whole point of texinfo-tex is that it contains those programs from the old texinfo package that are useless without TeX. So naturally texinfo-tex requires texlive.

Indeed I already have TexLive installed as
monolithic distribution from TeXLive site.

That's a completely different issue, not really related to texinfo. If there are Cygwin packages that require TeX in order to function, I think maintainers have to make them depend on texlive. Users who choose to install TeX from another source will find this annoying, but I don't see what I can do about that. Some Linux distros have mechanisms for dealing with this situation; I don't remember the details, but somehow it's possible to declare that you have installed something equivalent to a given package. But Cygwin's setup doesn't provide this feature.

It looks as if we have exchanged Perl with TeXLive...

Not really. The issue with Perl was that it was included in a *default* Cygwin installation.


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