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Re: Threads

On 10/28/2014 7:40 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
On Oct 28 10:43, Jon TURNEY wrote:
On 24/10/2014 14:52, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
I discussed this with my college Kai Tietz (many thanks to him from
here), and we came up with a problem in sigdelayed in the 64 bit case:
pushf is called *after* aligning the stack with andq.  This alignment
potentially changes the CPU flag values so the restored flags are
potentially not the flags when entering sigdelayed.

I just applied a patch and created new snapshots on

I couldn't reproduce the problem locally, so I'd be grateful if you
could test if that fixes the problem in your testcase, Jon.

I've tried that snapshot with both my testcase and emacs, without problems.

Thanks very much for fixing this!

Thanks again to Kai Tietz for helping me with this.

And thanks to Eli for suggesting that we look for corruption of the flags register, and to Jon for providing the test case that narrowed it down to signal handling.


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