This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-2.5-1.40.14 (TeX Live 2013/Cygwin) (INITEX) 4 APR 2014 12:45 restricted \write18 enabled. %&-line parsing enabled. (/usr/share/texmf-dist/web2c/cp227.tcx) MLTeX v2.2 enabled **mllatex.ini (/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/latexconfig/mllatex.ini (/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/latex.ltx (/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/texsys.cfg) \openout15 = `texsys.aux'. ./texsys.aux found \@currdir set to: ./. Assuming \openin and \input have the same search path. Defining UNIX/DOS style filename parser. catcodes, registers, \maxdimen=\dimen10 \hideskip=\skip10 \p@=\dimen11 \z@=\dimen12 \z@skip=\skip11 \voidb@x=\box10 compatibility for TeX 2, parameters, \normalbaselineskip=\skip12 \normallineskip=\skip13 \normallineskiplimit=\dimen13 \interfootnotelinepenalty=\count23 \strutbox=\box11 LaTeX2e <2011/06/27> hacks, \@tempcnta=\count24 \@tempcntb=\count25 \@tempdima=\dimen14 \@tempdimb=\dimen15 \@tempdimc=\dimen16 \@tempboxa=\box12 \@tempskipa=\skip14 \@tempskipb=\skip15 \@temptokena=\toks10 \@flushglue=\skip16 control, par, spacing, \@savsk=\dimen17 \@savsf=\count26 \smallskipamount=\skip17 \medskipamount=\skip18 \bigskipamount=\skip19 \fill=\skip20 files, \@inputcheck=\read0 \@unused=\write0 \@mainaux=\write1 \@partaux=\write2 \@clubpenalty=\count27 font encodings, lengths, \everymath=\toks11 \everydisplay=\toks12 \every@math@size=\toks13 \lower@bound=\dimen18 \upper@bound=\dimen19 \c@mv@normal=\count28 \c@mv@bold=\count29 ==================================== Local config file fonttext.cfg used ==================================== (/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/fonttext.cfg File: fonttext.cfg 2004/02/04 v2.3a LaTeX Kernel (Uncustomised text font setup) (/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/fonttext.ltx File: fonttext.ltx 2004/02/04 v2.3a LaTeX Kernel (Text font setup) === Don't modify this file, use a .cfg file instead === (/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/omlenc.def File: omlenc.def 2005/09/27 v1.99g Standard LaTeX file ) (/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/t1enc.def File: t1enc.def 2005/09/27 v1.99g Standard LaTeX file ) (/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/ot1enc.def File: ot1enc.def 2005/09/27 v1.99g Standard LaTeX file ) (/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/omsenc.def File: omsenc.def 2005/09/27 v1.99g Standard LaTeX file ) (/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/t1cmr.fd File: t1cmr.fd 1999/05/25 v2.5h Standard LaTeX font definitions ) (/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/ot1cmr.fd File: ot1cmr.fd 1999/05/25 v2.5h Standard LaTeX font definitions ) (/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/ot1cmss.fd File: ot1cmss.fd 1999/05/25 v2.5h Standard LaTeX font definitions ) (/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/ot1cmtt.fd File: ot1cmtt.fd 1999/05/25 v2.5h Standard LaTeX font definitions ))) ==================================== Local config file fontmath.cfg used ==================================== (/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/fontmath.cfg File: fontmath.cfg 2004/02/04 v2.3a LaTeX Kernel (Uncustomised math font setup) (/usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/fontmath.ltx File: fontmath.ltx 2004/02/04 v2.3a LaTeX Kernel (Math font setup) === Don't modify this file, use a .cfg file instead === LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring font encoding OML on input line 59. 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Undefined control sequence. \utfthreeuniglyph ... \expandafter {\the \numexpr 4096*(#1-224)+64*(`#2-128)... l.19 .ა უ2ა The control sequence at the end of the top line of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue, and I'll forget about whatever was undefined. ! You can't use `the character 4' after \the. \utfthreeuniglyph ...\expandafter {\the \numexpr 4 096*(#1-224)+64*(`#2-128)+... l.19 .ა უ2ა I'm forgetting what you said and using zero instead. ! Undefined control sequence. \unicodechar #1->\ifcsname unichar@\number #1\endcsname \csname unichar@\num... l.19 .ა უ2ა The control sequence at the end of the top line of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue, and I'll forget about whatever was undefined. ! Nonletter. \unicodechar #1->\ifcsname unichar@ \number #1\endcsname \csname unichar@\num... l.19 .ა უ2ა (See Appendix H.) ! Nonletter. 96 l.19 .ა უ2ა (See Appendix H.) ! Nonletter. * l.19 .ა უ2ა (See Appendix H.) ! Nonletter. 0096*( "E1-224)+64*(`-128)+`-128\relax l.19 .ა უ2ა (See Appendix H.) ! Nonletter. 0096*(" E1-224)+64*(`-128)+`-128\relax l.19 .ა უ2ა (See Appendix H.) ! Nonletter. 0096*("E1-22 4)+64*(`-128)+`-128\relax l.19 .ა უ2ა (See Appendix H.) ! Nonletter. 0096*("E1-224) +64*(`-128)+`-128\relax l.19 .ა უ2ა (See Appendix H.) ! Nonletter. 0096*("E1-224)+ 64*(`-128)+`-128\relax l.19 .ა უ2ა (See Appendix H.) ! Nonletter. 0096*("E1-224)+64 *(`-128)+`-128\relax l.19 .ა უ2ა (See Appendix H.) ! Nonletter. 0096*("E1-224)+64* (`-128)+`-128\relax l.19 .ა უ2ა (See Appendix H.) ! Nonletter. 0096*("E1-224)+64*( `-128)+`-128\relax l.19 .ა უ2ა (See Appendix H.) ! Nonletter. 0096*("E1-224)+64*(` -128)+`-128\relax l.19 .ა უ2ა (See Appendix H.) ! Nonletter. 0096*("E1-224)+64*(`-12 8)+`-128\relax l.19 .ა უ2ა (See Appendix H.) ! Nonletter. 0096*("E1-224)+64*(`-128) +`-128\relax l.19 .ა უ2ა (See Appendix H.) ! Nonletter. 0096*("E1-224)+64*(`-128)+ `-128\relax l.19 .ა უ2ა (See Appendix H.) ! Nonletter. 0096*("E1-224)+64*(`-128)+` -128\relax l.19 .ა უ2ა (See Appendix H.) ! Nonletter. 0096*("E1-224)+64*(`-128)+`-12 8\relax l.19 .ა უ2ა (See Appendix H.) ! Bad \patterns. ...*("E1-224)+64*(`-128)+`-128\relax l.19 .ა უ2ა (See Appendix H.) ! Bad \patterns. \unicodechar unichar@\number #1\endcsname \csname unichar@\number #1... l.19 .ა უ2ა (See Appendix H.) ! Missing \endcsname inserted. \relax l.19 .ა უ2ა The control sequence marked should not appear between \csname and \endcsname. ! Bad \patterns. ...6*("E1-224)+64*(`-128)+`-128 l.19 .ა უ2ა (See Appendix H.) ! Bad \patterns. \relax l.19 .ა უ2ა (See Appendix H.) ! Bad \patterns. \unicodechar unichar@\number #1\endcsname \else \errmessage {Unicode... l.19 .ა უ2ა (See Appendix H.) ! Extra \else. \unicodechar ...nichar@\number #1\endcsname \else \errmessage {Unicode chara... l.19 .ა უ2ა I'm ignoring this; it doesn't match any \if. ! Bad \patterns. \unicodechar #1\endcsname \else \errmessage {Unicode character [#1] no... l.19 .ა უ2ა (See Appendix H.) ! Bad \patterns. \unicodechar ...r #1\endcsname \else \errmessage { Unicode character [#1] not... l.19 .ა უ2ა (See Appendix H.) ! Nonletter. \unicodechar ...e \errmessage {Unicode character [ #1] not in encoding.}\fi l.19 .ა უ2ა (See Appendix H.) ! Nonletter. 00 96*("E1-224)+64*(`-128)+`-128\relax l.19 .ა უ2ა (See Appendix H.) ! Nonletter. 0096 *("E1-224)+64*(`-128)+`-128\relax l.19 .ა უ2ა (See Appendix H.) ! Nonletter. 0096* ("E1-224)+64*(`-128)+`-128\relax l.19 .ა უ2ა (See Appendix H.) ! Nonletter. 0096*( "E1-224)+64*(`-128)+`-128\relax l.19 .ა უ2ა (See Appendix H.) ! Nonletter. 0096*(" E1-224)+64*(`-128)+`-128\relax l.19 .ა უ2ა (See Appendix H.) ! Nonletter. 0096*("E1-22 4)+64*(`-128)+`-128\relax l.19 .ა უ2ა (See Appendix H.) ! Nonletter. 0096*("E1-224) +64*(`-128)+`-128\relax l.19 .ა უ2ა (See Appendix H.) ! Nonletter. 0096*("E1-224)+ 64*(`-128)+`-128\relax l.19 .ა უ2ა (See Appendix H.) ! Nonletter. 0096*("E1-224)+64 *(`-128)+`-128\relax l.19 .ა უ2ა (See Appendix H.) ! Nonletter. 0096*("E1-224)+64* (`-128)+`-128\relax l.19 .ა უ2ა (See Appendix H.) ! Nonletter. 0096*("E1-224)+64*( `-128)+`-128\relax l.19 .ა უ2ა (See Appendix H.) ! Nonletter. 0096*("E1-224)+64*(` -128)+`-128\relax l.19 .ა უ2ა (See Appendix H.) ! Nonletter. 0096*("E1-224)+64*(`-12 8)+`-128\relax l.19 .ა უ2ა (See Appendix H.) ! Nonletter. 0096*("E1-224)+64*(`-128) +`-128\relax l.19 .ა უ2ა (See Appendix H.) ! Nonletter. 0096*("E1-224)+64*(`-128)+ `-128\relax l.19 .ა უ2ა (See Appendix H.) ! Nonletter. 0096*("E1-224)+64*(`-128)+` -128\relax l.19 .ა უ2ა (See Appendix H.) ! Nonletter. 0096*("E1-224)+64*(`-128)+`-12 8\relax l.19 .ა უ2ა (See Appendix H.) ! Bad \patterns. ...*("E1-224)+64*(`-128)+`-128\relax l.19 .ა უ2ა (See Appendix H.) ! Nonletter. \unicodechar ...errmessage {Unicode character [#1] not in encoding.}\fi l.19 .ა უ2ა (See Appendix H.) ! Undefined control sequence. \utfthreeuniglyph ... \expandafter {\the \numexpr 4096*(#1-224)+64*(`#2-128)... l.19 .აუ 2ა The control sequence at the end of the top line of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue, and I'll forget about whatever was undefined. ! You can't use `the character 4' after \the. \utfthreeuniglyph ...\expandafter {\the \numexpr 4 096*(#1-224)+64*(`#2-128)+... l.19 .აუ 2ა I'm forgetting what you said and using zero instead. ! Undefined control sequence. \unicodechar #1->\ifcsname unichar@\number #1\endcsname \csname unichar@\num... l.19 .აუ 2ა The control sequence at the end of the top line of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue, and I'll forget about whatever was undefined. ! LaTeX Error: Missing \begin{document}. See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation. Type H for immediate help. ... l.19 .აუ 2ა You're in trouble here. Try typing to proceed. If that doesn't work, type X to quit. Missing character: There is no u in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no n in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no i in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no c in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no h in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no a in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no r in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no @ in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 9 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 6 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no * in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no ( in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no " in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no E in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 1 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no - in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 2 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 2 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 4 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no ) in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no + in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 6 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 4 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no * in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no ( in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no ` in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no - in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 1 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 2 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 8 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no ) in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no + in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no ` in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no - in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 1 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 2 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 8 in font nullfont! ! Extra \endcsname. \unicodechar unichar@\number #1\endcsname \csname unichar@\number #1... l.19 .აუ 2ა I'm ignoring this, since I wasn't doing a \csname. ! Missing \endcsname inserted. \relax l.19 .აუ 2ა The control sequence marked should not appear between \csname and \endcsname. ! Extra \endcsname. \unicodechar unichar@\number #1\endcsname \else \errmessage {Unicode... l.19 .აუ 2ა I'm ignoring this, since I wasn't doing a \csname. Missing character: There is no 2 in font nullfont! ! Undefined control sequence. \utfthreeuniglyph ... \expandafter {\the \numexpr 4096*(#1-224)+64*(`#2-128)... l.19 .აუ2ა The control sequence at the end of the top line of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue, and I'll forget about whatever was undefined. ! You can't use `the character 4' after \the. \utfthreeuniglyph ...\expandafter {\the \numexpr 4 096*(#1-224)+64*(`#2-128)+... l.19 .აუ2ა I'm forgetting what you said and using zero instead. ! Undefined control sequence. \unicodechar #1->\ifcsname unichar@\number #1\endcsname \csname unichar@\num... l.19 .აუ2ა The control sequence at the end of the top line of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue, and I'll forget about whatever was undefined. Missing character: There is no u in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no n in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no i in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no c in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no h in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no a in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no r in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no @ in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 9 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 6 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no * in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no ( in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no " in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no E in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 1 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no - in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 2 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 2 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 4 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no ) in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no + in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 6 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 4 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no * in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no ( in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no ` in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no - in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 1 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 2 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 8 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no ) in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no + in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no ` in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no - in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 1 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 2 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 8 in font nullfont! ! Extra \endcsname. \unicodechar unichar@\number #1\endcsname \csname unichar@\number #1... l.19 .აუ2ა I'm ignoring this, since I wasn't doing a \csname. ! Missing \endcsname inserted. \relax l.19 .აუ2ა The control sequence marked should not appear between \csname and \endcsname. ! Extra \endcsname. \unicodechar unichar@\number #1\endcsname \else \errmessage {Unicode... l.19 .აუ2ა I'm ignoring this, since I wasn't doing a \csname. ! Extra \else. \unicodechar ...nichar@\number #1\endcsname \else \errmessage {Unicode chara... l.19 .აუ2ა I'm ignoring this; it doesn't match any \if. ! Unicode character [0096*("E1-224)+64*(`-128)+`-128\relax ] not in encoding. . \unicodechar ...e character [#1] not in encoding.} \fi l.19 .აუ2ა This error message was generated by an \errmessage command, so I can't give any explicit help. Pretend that you're Hercule Poirot: Examine all clues, and deduce the truth by order and method. Missing character: There is no . in font nullfont! ! Undefined control sequence. \utfthreeuniglyph ... \expandafter {\the \numexpr 4096*(#1-224)+64*(`#2-128)... l.20 .გ ვათ1 The control sequence at the end of the top line of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue, and I'll forget about whatever was undefined. ! You can't use `the character 4' after \the. \utfthreeuniglyph ...\expandafter {\the \numexpr 4 096*(#1-224)+64*(`#2-128)+... l.20 .გ ვათ1 I'm forgetting what you said and using zero instead. ! Undefined control sequence. \unicodechar #1->\ifcsname unichar@\number #1\endcsname \csname unichar@\num... l.20 .გ ვათ1 The control sequence at the end of the top line of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue, and I'll forget about whatever was undefined. Missing character: There is no u in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no n in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no i in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no c in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no h in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no a in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no r in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no @ in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 9 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 6 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no * in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no ( in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no " in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no E in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 1 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no - in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 2 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 2 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 4 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no ) in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no + in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 6 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 4 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no * in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no ( in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no ` in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no - in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 1 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 2 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 8 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no ) in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no + in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no ` in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no - in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 1 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 2 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 8 in font nullfont! ! Extra \endcsname. \unicodechar unichar@\number #1\endcsname \csname unichar@\number #1... l.20 .გ ვათ1 I'm ignoring this, since I wasn't doing a \csname. ! Missing \endcsname inserted. \relax l.20 .გ ვათ1 The control sequence marked should not appear between \csname and \endcsname. ! Extra \endcsname. \unicodechar unichar@\number #1\endcsname \else \errmessage {Unicode... l.20 .გ ვათ1 I'm ignoring this, since I wasn't doing a \csname. ! Extra \else. \unicodechar ...nichar@\number #1\endcsname \else \errmessage {Unicode chara... l.20 .გ ვათ1 I'm ignoring this; it doesn't match any \if. ! Unicode character [0096*("E1-224)+64*(`-128)+`-128\relax ] not in encoding. . \unicodechar ...e character [#1] not in encoding.} \fi l.20 .გ ვათ1 (That was another \errmessage.) ! Undefined control sequence. \utfthreeuniglyph ... \expandafter {\the \numexpr 4096*(#1-224)+64*(`#2-128)... l.20 .გვ ათ1 The control sequence at the end of the top line of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue, and I'll forget about whatever was undefined. ! You can't use `the character 4' after \the. \utfthreeuniglyph ...\expandafter {\the \numexpr 4 096*(#1-224)+64*(`#2-128)+... l.20 .გვ ათ1 I'm forgetting what you said and using zero instead. ! Undefined control sequence. \unicodechar #1->\ifcsname unichar@\number #1\endcsname \csname unichar@\num... l.20 .გვ ათ1 The control sequence at the end of the top line of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue, and I'll forget about whatever was undefined. Missing character: There is no u in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no n in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no i in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no c in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no h in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no a in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no r in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no @ in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 9 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 6 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no * in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no ( in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no " in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no E in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 1 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no - in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 2 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 2 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 4 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no ) in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no + in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 6 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 4 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no * in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no ( in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no ` in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no - in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 1 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 2 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 8 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no ) in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no + in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no ` in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no - in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 1 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 2 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 8 in font nullfont! ! Extra \endcsname. \unicodechar unichar@\number #1\endcsname \csname unichar@\number #1... l.20 .გვ ათ1 I'm ignoring this, since I wasn't doing a \csname. ! Missing \endcsname inserted. \relax l.20 .გვ ათ1 The control sequence marked should not appear between \csname and \endcsname. ! Extra \endcsname. \unicodechar unichar@\number #1\endcsname \else \errmessage {Unicode... l.20 .გვ ათ1 I'm ignoring this, since I wasn't doing a \csname. ! Undefined control sequence. \utfthreeuniglyph ... \expandafter {\the \numexpr 4096*(#1-224)+64*(`#2-128)... l.20 .გვა თ1 The control sequence at the end of the top line of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue, and I'll forget about whatever was undefined. ! You can't use `the character 4' after \the. \utfthreeuniglyph ...\expandafter {\the \numexpr 4 096*(#1-224)+64*(`#2-128)+... l.20 .გვა თ1 I'm forgetting what you said and using zero instead. ! Undefined control sequence. \unicodechar #1->\ifcsname unichar@\number #1\endcsname \csname unichar@\num... l.20 .გვა თ1 The control sequence at the end of the top line of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue, and I'll forget about whatever was undefined. Missing character: There is no u in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no n in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no i in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no c in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no h in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no a in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no r in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no @ in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 9 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 6 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no * in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no ( in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no " in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no E in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 1 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no - in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 2 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 2 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 4 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no ) in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no + in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 6 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 4 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no * in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no ( in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no ` in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no - in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 1 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 2 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 8 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no ) in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no + in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no ` in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no - in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 1 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 2 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 8 in font nullfont! ! Extra \endcsname. \unicodechar unichar@\number #1\endcsname \csname unichar@\number #1... l.20 .გვა თ1 I'm ignoring this, since I wasn't doing a \csname. ! Missing \endcsname inserted. \relax l.20 .გვა თ1 The control sequence marked should not appear between \csname and \endcsname. ! Extra \endcsname. \unicodechar unichar@\number #1\endcsname \else \errmessage {Unicode... l.20 .გვა თ1 I'm ignoring this, since I wasn't doing a \csname. ! Extra \else. \unicodechar ...nichar@\number #1\endcsname \else \errmessage {Unicode chara... l.20 .გვა თ1 I'm ignoring this; it doesn't match any \if. ! Unicode character [0096*("E1-224)+64*(`-128)+`-128\relax ] not in encoding. . \unicodechar ...e character [#1] not in encoding.} \fi l.20 .გვა თ1 (That was another \errmessage.) ! Undefined control sequence. \utfthreeuniglyph ... \expandafter {\the \numexpr 4096*(#1-224)+64*(`#2-128)... l.20 .გვათ 1 The control sequence at the end of the top line of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue, and I'll forget about whatever was undefined. ! You can't use `the character 4' after \the. \utfthreeuniglyph ...\expandafter {\the \numexpr 4 096*(#1-224)+64*(`#2-128)+... l.20 .გვათ 1 I'm forgetting what you said and using zero instead. ! Undefined control sequence. \unicodechar #1->\ifcsname unichar@\number #1\endcsname \csname unichar@\num... l.20 .გვათ 1 The control sequence at the end of the top line of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue, and I'll forget about whatever was undefined. Missing character: There is no u in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no n in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no i in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no c in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no h in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no a in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no r in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no @ in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 9 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 6 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no * in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no ( in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no " in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no E in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 1 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no - in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 2 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 2 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 4 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no ) in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no + in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 6 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 4 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no * in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no ( in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no ` in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no - in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 1 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 2 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 8 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no ) in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no + in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no ` in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no - in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 1 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 2 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 8 in font nullfont! ! Extra \endcsname. \unicodechar unichar@\number #1\endcsname \csname unichar@\number #1... l.20 .გვათ 1 I'm ignoring this, since I wasn't doing a \csname. ! Missing \endcsname inserted. \relax l.20 .გვათ 1 The control sequence marked should not appear between \csname and \endcsname. ! Extra \endcsname. \unicodechar unichar@\number #1\endcsname \else \errmessage {Unicode... l.20 .გვათ 1 I'm ignoring this, since I wasn't doing a \csname. ! Extra \else. \unicodechar ...nichar@\number #1\endcsname \else \errmessage {Unicode chara... l.20 .გვათ 1 I'm ignoring this; it doesn't match any \if. ! Unicode character [0096*("E1-224)+64*(`-128)+`-128\relax ] not in encoding. . \unicodechar ...e character [#1] not in encoding.} \fi l.20 .გვათ 1 (That was another \errmessage.) ! Extra \fi. \unicodechar ...aracter [#1] not in encoding.}\fi l.20 .გვათ 1 I'm ignoring this; it doesn't match any \if. Missing character: There is no 1 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no . in font nullfont! ! Undefined control sequence. \utfthreeuniglyph ... \expandafter {\the \numexpr 4096*(#1-224)+64*(`#2-128)... l.21 .გ იმ1 The control sequence at the end of the top line of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue, and I'll forget about whatever was undefined. ! You can't use `the character 4' after \the. \utfthreeuniglyph ...\expandafter {\the \numexpr 4 096*(#1-224)+64*(`#2-128)+... l.21 .გ იმ1 I'm forgetting what you said and using zero instead. ! Undefined control sequence. \unicodechar #1->\ifcsname unichar@\number #1\endcsname \csname unichar@\num... l.21 .გ იმ1 The control sequence at the end of the top line of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue, and I'll forget about whatever was undefined. Missing character: There is no u in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no n in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no i in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no c in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no h in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no a in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no r in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no @ in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 9 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 6 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no * in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no ( in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no " in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no E in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 1 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no - in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 2 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 2 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 4 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no ) in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no + in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 6 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 4 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no * in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no ( in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no ` in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no - in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 1 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 2 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 8 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no ) in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no + in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no ` in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no - in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 1 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 2 in font nullfont! Missing character: There is no 8 in font nullfont! ! Extra \endcsname. \unicodechar unichar@\number #1\endcsname \csname unichar@\number #1... l.21 .გ იმ1 I'm ignoring this, since I wasn't doing a \csname. ! Missing \endcsname inserted. \relax l.21 .გ იმ1 (That makes 100 errors; please try again.) Here is how much of TeX's memory you used: 3284 strings out of 497943 43939 string characters out of 6214162 46802 words of memory out of 5000000 3351 multiletter control sequences out of 15000+600000 3640 words of font info for 14 fonts, out of 8000000 for 9000 108 hyphenation exceptions out of 8191 20i,0n,20p,274b,175s stack positions out of 5000i,500n,10000p,200000b,80000s No pages of output.