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Re: Public key authorization problem with latest snapshot

Greetings, Corinna Vinschen!

> The code is now practically equivalent to what is in 1.7.28.  Only the
> VectoredContinueHandler, which was the reason Cygwin's exception handler
> could be called twice, is not called anymore.  Instead there's a vectored
> exception handler which is only called during debugging.

> Before:

>   if (!handler_installed)
>     {
>       handler_installed = true;
>       SetUnhandledExceptionFilter (handle);
>       AddVectoredContinueHandler (1, handle);
>     }

> After:

>   if (!handler_installed)
>     {
>       handler_installed = true;
>       SetUnhandledExceptionFilter (handle);
>       AddVectoredExceptionHandler (1, handle_while_being_debugged);
>     }

> If anybody can explain this weird behaviour, please educate me.

I can't explain the behavior, but I could say, that setting
"handler_installed = true;" before the handler is actually installed is not
quite right.
Unless that variable is used inside either of two functions called afterward,
I would move it down to the end of `if' block.

Andrey Repin ( 20.03.2014, <01:56>

Sorry for my terrible english...

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