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Re: Stack size on 64-bit Cygwin

On 16/08/2013 4:49 PM, Ken Brown wrote:
The problem that has been discussed at length in the thread "64-bit emacs crashes a lot" appears to have been solved on the emacs-devel list. (I say "appears to" because I'm waiting for Ryan to confirm this.)
WJFFM so far (fingers crossed!)

The problem went away for me when I built emacs with 'LDFLAGS=-Wl,--stack,4194304'. I'm wondering if it's just that emacs needs an unusually big stack or if the default stack size on 64-bit Cygwin should be increased for all applications.
I could easily imagine running into trouble by doubling pointer sizes, if GC calls routinely reach 10k+ stack frames deep like somebody mentioned a couple days ago...


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