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Re: i686-pc-mingw32-gcc 4.5.2 and static linking libstdc++-6?

Just to close the loop on this for anyone who might be encountering a
similar issue or situation in the future, with the simple test example
info Ryan Johnson provided me in the previous response, I was able to
eventually narrow down my problem to a makefile complexity.  The
makefile was setting the link flag '-lstdc++' at a point in the build
process AFTER it had already specified the -static-libstdc++ option,
thus overriding it.  I'm not exactly sure where/how it was switched to
make the -lstdc++ be interpeted as dynamic, but regardless it was
obviously not only redundant but overriding the earlier specified
-static option.

And while I'm being 100% thorough I should probably just re-state more
clearly that the other *separate* problem I had (which was resolved in
an earlier post), the makefile had actually been mixing g++ for some
compiles and gcc for others, but using gcc for producing the end
executable, so i switched it to just make use of g++ which obviously
resolved the "unrecognized option" issue I had mentioned I had been
seeing before.

Thanks very much for all the help, especially to Ryan.

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