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Proposed change to base-files /etc/bash.bashrc: see whether PS1 has already been set

I can't figure out where the CVS is for base-files, but I wanted to
propose that the file:


... be altered to test whether the PS1 variable has already been set
before setting it to the default.

I set mine in a file in the?/etc/profile.d?directory, but with the
standard Cygwin installation, this value is overwritten unless I
modify each user's local setup or alter the system-wide file.

It would be harmless to ignore already-set values in this situation.

I could obviously generate a patch as necessary if I knew where the
repository was, but it's a one-liner, basically:

if [ -z "$PS1" ]; then
? ? ? ? PS1='\[\e]0;\w\a\]\n\[\e[32m\]\u@\h \[\e[33m\]\w\[\e[0m\]\n\$ '

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