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[BUG ?] Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: {libpng/libpng14/libpng14-devel}-1.4.8-1
- From: "Dr. Volker Zell" <dr dot volker dot zell at oracle dot com>
- To: cygwin at cygwin dot com
- Date: Sun, 13 Nov 2011 15:35:32 +0100
- Subject: [BUG ?] Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: {libpng/libpng14/libpng14-devel}-1.4.8-1
- References: <>
>>>>> Charles Wilson writes:
> The libpng packages offer the standard libraries for manipulating
> PNG files, a turbo-studly lossless image format. This is a security
> update.
> [[ compiled using gcc-4.3.4-4 ]]
> CHANGES (since 1.4.3-2)
> ========================
> o Update to latest upstream release
> o Security update:
> + CVE-2011-2692
> + CVE-2011-2691
> + CVE-2011-2690
This version dosn't export png_info_init
00000000 I _imp__png_info_init_3
00000000 T png_info_init_3
whereas libpng-1.2 does
00000000 I _imp__png_info_init_3
00000000 T png_info_init_3
00000000 I _imp__png_info_init
00000000 T png_info_init
Is this intednded ?
I get a link error when trying to update Ted in the distro:
gcc -o Ted tedTocTool.o tedToc.o tedTextOrnamentsTool.o tedTabsTool.o tedTableTool.o tedTable.o tedSymbolPicker.o tedSpellTool.o tedShadingTool.o tedSelectionGeometry.o tedSele
ctionDescription.o tedSelect.o tedSectionTool.o tedRuler.o tedRowTool.o tedParaOrnamentsTool.o tedParaLayoutTool.o tedPageLayoutTool.o tedPage.o tedObjects.o tedObjectDrag.o ted
NotesTool.o tedNote.o tedMouseInput.o tedMain.o tedListTool.o tedLinkTool.o tedLink.o tedLayout.o tedInput.o tedIncludeDocument.o tedImageTool.o tedIcons.o tedHyperlink.o tedHei
ghtTool.o tedHeaderFooterTool.o tedHeaderFooter.o tedFrameTool.o tedFormatToolUtil.o tedFormatTool.o tedFormat.o tedFontTool.o tedFont.o tedFollowLink.o tedFindTool.o tedFindIte
m.o tedFind.o tedFileConvert.o tedEditOperation.o tedEditList.o tedEdit.o tedDrawTextLines.o tedDrawShape.o tedDrawMotif.o tedDrawGtk.o tedDraw.o tedDocument.o tedDocRuler.o ted
Docprops.o tedCopyPaste.o tedColumnTool.o tedCellTool.o tedBottomRuler.o tedBorderTool.o tedBookmarkTool.o tedBookmark.o tedBlinkMotif.o tedBlinkGtk.o tedAppFont.o tedAppColor.o
tedApp.o layoutContext.o docScreenLayout.o docPsPrintTextLine.o docPsPrintTabs.o docPsPrintShapes.o docPsPrintImage.o docPsPrint.o docPsListFonts.o docOpenObject.o docLayoutUti
l.o docLayoutShapes.o docLayoutSect.o docLayoutRowspan.o docLayoutRow.o docLayoutParaInStrip.o docLayoutParagraphs.o docLayoutPara.o docLayoutPageGrid.o docLayoutNotes.o docLayo
utLines.o docLayoutLine.o docLayoutInline.o docLayoutExternalItem.o docLayout.o docDrawUtil.o docDrawTextLines.o docDrawShape.o docDrawRow.o docDrawParagraph.o docDrawExternalIt
em.o docDraw.o docAdjustParentLayout.o docAdjustParaLayout.o ../lib/docBuf.a ../lib/appFrame.a ../lib/bitmap.a ../lib/ind.a ../lib/docFont.a ../lib/utilPs.a ../lib/appUtil.a \
-lpcre \
-L/usr/lib -ltiff -L/usr/lib -ljpeg -L/usr/lib -lpng -L/usr/lib -lz \
-lXpm -lXm -lXt -lXext -lSM -lICE -lX11 -lXft -lXrender -lfontconfig -lexpat -liconv -lfreetype -lz -lbz2 -lX11 -lxcb -lXau -lXdmcp -lfreetype -
lz -lbz2 -lfontconfig -lexpat -lfreetype -lz -liconv -lm
../lib/bitmap.a(bmpng.o): In function `bpPngiFromBitmap':
/misc/src/release/ted-2.21-1/build/bitmap/bmpng.c:287: undefined reference to `_png_info_init'
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