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Re: Strange freezing in emacs

On 10/11/2011 5:21 PM, Ken Brown wrote:
On 11/10/2011 5:10 PM, Ryan Johnson wrote:
Hi all,

I just installed a big mess of windows updates and rebooted, and ever
since emacs seems to have trouble with subprocesses: when attempting to
read mercurial revision info for a file or running make, it sometimes
freezes for 5-10 seconds without doing anything at all (no disk, no
cpu), then suddenly responds lightning fast as if nothing had happened.
It doesn't happen every time, and I don't get any of the usual fork
failure error messages (plus I just barely rebased to no avail).

I'm perfectly willing to blame this on Windows, but does anybody have
pointers on how I might diagnose the issue?

Have you disabled Windows Defender?
!!! It silently reinstalled itself at some point, or (just as likely) it just lied about leaving the first time. Stopped, disabled, rebooted, all is well.

Does anybody know how to really uninstall Windows Defender? None of the tips I can find online seem effective. It's like a virus the way it keeps sneaking back!

Meanwhile, I guess I'll just have to puppy guard the darn thing.

Thanks again,

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