Greetings, Timothy Madden!
I would like to write a php script to run from my cygwin command line.
I have the php CLI executable (php.exe) in PATH and I use
#!/bin/env php
as the first line of the .php script, and make it executable.
Dearly use Windows native version of PHP
And here's a simple command file to register your PHP as script interpreter
for both simple execution and windows scripting host jobs.
@echo off
if "!%~dpnx1" == "!" (echo Usage: %~dp0 path_to_php-cli.exe && exit)
if not exist "%~dpnx1" (echo Invalid path to PHP interpreter && exit)
ftype PHPScript="%~dpnx1" -f "%%1" -- %%*
assoc .php=PHPScript
regsvr32 "%~dp1\php5activescript.dll"