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Re: Typical Cygwin fork problem

On Aug 20 01:43, big glass wrote:
> thx, im now getting this:
> $    /bin/rebaseall
> /usr/bin/ash: $: not found
> $

Sigh.  The $ is the universal sign for the shell prompt.  It's the
default shell prompt on Unix machines.  You are not supposed to type it
in.  Just start ash, then you'll see the $ on the left side and the
cursor at the right side of the $ sign.  Now just type /bin/rebaseall
and [Enter].  When the next $ sign appears, rebaseall has done its job
and you can exit ash with Ctrl-D.

Don't get me wrong, but I am really wondering if Cygwin is what you were
looking for.  You seem to be missing even the most basic idea of what a
POSIX system looks like and how to use the command line.  Maybe you
should start with a good beginners book on Unix or Linux?


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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