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Re: Problems with 20110801 snapshot

On Wed, 2011-08-03 at 09:06 +0200, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> > * Opening multiple VTE-based terminals (gnome-terminal, Xfce Terminal,
> > etc.), or even one after a mintty terminal is already open, produces the
> > following message when starting a bash login shell:
> > 
> > > -bash: cannot set terminal process group (-1): Inappropriate ioctl for device
> > > -bash: no job control in this shell
> > 
> > In which case, launching a ncurses app (e.g. less or nano) displays on
> > the first terminal which didn't have such a warning.  And when closing
> > such a terminal, a warning about a process still running in that
> > terminal appears even though there is none.
> Is that a new one in 20110801?  The change set doesn't look like it
> could introduce this.  Can you please look which snapshot introduced
> this issue?

I'm sure it's not, it probably dates back to the pty/tty handling
changes.  I won't be able to bisect this until tomorrow.


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