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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: gdb-7.3.50-1

On Sun, 2011-07-31 at 13:59 -0400, Christopher Faylor wrote:
> As usual, I forgot an item of news that I wanted to impart a second
> after hitting 'y'.  For those who follow this type of thing, gdb now has
> a python scripting interface.  That is not turned on in this Cygwin
> release, primarily because the release was so overdue that I didn't want
> to waste time figuring out what I needed to pull into my cross-build
> environment.

If I may, based on looking at configure, you'll need libpython2.6.dll.a
in $sysroot/usr/lib and the Python headers in
$sysroot/usr/include/python2.6, and add -I$sysroot/usr/include/python2.6
to CPPFLAGS.  (I wouldn't advise moving them straight into
$sysroot/usr/include/, their names are too generic.)

FWIW, I just added a cygwin-python package to the Fedora Cygwin repo
which should do the trick.



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