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Re: Mount points using batch file but not with ssh login

On 02-04-11 14:00, Andy Koppe wrote:
On Saturday, 2 April 2011, Mark Maas wrote:
I've been trying to get some network shares mounted in my cygwin environment. Shares that I've already mounted with Windows itself.
So I've tried some combo's with "net use" or simple using the "mount.exe" command to get those shares. But I'm not able to get them to function.

Which is weird, because they are already there when I start cygwin using the supplied batch file (Command prompt) but not when I login to my localhost ssh server using the same user...

In case you're only doing this to replace the Cygwin console with an ssh client (rather than enable remote login): have a look at local alternatives such as mintty or puttycyg.

That is excellent! Thank you!!!

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