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Re: Doubtful about unison

On 02/28/2011 10:35 AM, Andrew Schulman wrote:
> Hm.  Okay, what if you run `strace /usr/bin/unison-2.32 -version`?  When I
> do that, around line 375 of the output I see
>  6657   90249 [main] unison-2.32 5424 fhandler_base::write: binary write
> unison version 2.32.52
> I'm not very knowledgeable about strace output, but if you attach yours
> here I can look for problems and compare it to mine.

Please be careful when posting strace clips to the list - the overall
strace can be quite huge, so posting it untrimmed manages to spam most
list readers.  Conversely, unless you know exactly what you're looking
for when trimming it, you are likely to trim too much to make it useful
to the developer.

Eric Blake    +1-801-349-2682
Libvirt virtualization library

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