If I run setup.exe with a cygwin snapshot installed, bash crashes
while running all preremove and postinstall scripts. Here's a
typical error message in /var/log/setup.log.full:
2011/02/11 15:56:55 running: C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe --norc
--noprofile /etc/preremove/emacs-X11.sh
0 [main] bash 2760 exception::handle: Exception:
1739 [main] bash 2760 open_stackdumpfile: Dumping stack trace to
Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION at eip=772DA671
eax=000000F8 ebx=0089F4C0 ecx=0008EC50 edx=0028B974 esi=000000F8 edi=00000003
ebp=0028B97C esp=0028B97C program=C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe, pid 2712, thread main
cs=0023 ds=002B es=002B fs=0053 gs=002B ss=002B
Stack trace:
Frame Function Args
0028B97C 772DA671 (000000F8, 0089D3A0, 00000000, 0028BA34)
0028B990 772E640D (0089D3A0, 776E5386, 0028BAFC, 0028BA98)
0028BA34 7731E1DD (0028BA60, 00000208, 0028BAFC, 00000000)
0028BA68 772DAD80 (0089F4C0, 00000208, 0028BAFC, 00000000)
0028BA84 772FC943 (0089F4C0, 00000208, 0028BAFC, 00000000)
0028BADC 7516C498 (00000001, 00000104, 0028BAFC, 0028BD44)
0028BD08 75170C30 (0028BD3C, 0028BDC8, 00000001, 0028C24C)
0028BD48 751709CB (0089F298, 00000198, 00000000, 00000001)
0028BD6C 75170964 (0089F298, 00000198, 00000000, 00000080)
0028BFA0 75175C49 (0000019C, 00000198, 0089F298, 00000000)
0028BFF0 75175AFA (0000019C, 0028C114, 00000000, 0000000A)
0028C680 75171ADC (00000000, 60FE0018, 60FE0018, 6117974C)
0028C6B8 75161059 (60FE0018, 60FE0018, 6117974C, 6117974C)
0028C788 61066A75 (0028C7B4, 0028C790, 00DC5048, 610722B6)
0028C908 61067368 (000000FF, 0028C938, 0028C934, 004451D9)
0028C948 610C1185 (00DC50F8, 00000000, 00DC3BE0, 000000A0)
End of stack trace (more stack frames may be present)