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Re: 1.7.7: Windows 2003 R2 WOW64: Cygwin installation fails

On 02/10/2011 09:53 PM, Gerry Reno wrote:
> On 02/10/2011 09:00 PM, Gerry Reno wrote:
>> On 02/10/2011 08:16 PM, Gerry Reno wrote:
>>> After having so much difficulty post-upgrade Cygwin 1.5 to 1.7 on my
>>> Windows 2003 R2 WOW64 machine:
>>>     I prepared a fresh installation of Windows 2003 R2 WOW64 and
>>> installed Cygwin 1.7.7 using setup.exe from the site.
>>>     Conclusion: A fresh install of Cygwin 1.7.7 FAILS on Windows 2003 R2
>>> WOW64.
Just to clarify.  This fresh install was NOT on a TERMINAL SERVER.  Just
a regular Windows 2003 R2 installation.
>>> There are numerous postinstall failures:
>>>     Package: base-cygwin
>>>    exit code 128
>>>     Package: coreutils
>>>    exit code 1
>>>     Package: terminfo
>>>    exit code 35584
>>>     Package: bash
>>>    exit code 128
>>>     Package: terminfo0
>>>    exit code 128
>>>     Package: base-files
>>>    exit code 128
>>>    exit code 128
>>>     Package: man
>>>    exit code 128
>>> The bash login shell fails:
>>>     bash-4.1# echo $PATH
>>>     /cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/system32:/cygdrive/c/WINDOWS:/cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/System32/Wb
>>>     em:/cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft SQL Server/90/Tools/binn/
>>>     bash-4.1#
>>> No PATH is set.
>>>     bash-4.1# /usr/bin/cat /etc/profile
>>>     /usr/bin/cat: /etc/profile: No such file or directory
>>> No system-wide profile.
>>> I've attached a cygcheck.out.
>>> Please let me know if you would like anymore information.  I'll keep
>>> this machine around as is for a few days if it will help.
>>> Regards,
>>> Gerry
>> I went and cleared out everything and started over but first moving the
>> DEP setting from All to Windows-only.
>> This time the Cygwin installation completed without postinstall errors
>> and the bash login shell is working.
>>     What I think would be good is for Cygwin setup to detect and warn
>>     about the DEP setting on Windows 2003 / Windows 2008.
>> What happened in my case was that I originally had a good installation
>> of Cygwin 1.5 on Windows 2003 that apparently worked fine with DEP in
>> the restrictive setting.  It was only after I upgraded it to Cygwin 1.7
>> that problems appeared. 
>> I'm now going to try a Cygwin reinstall on my original machine after
>> changing the DEP setting to see if the 1.7 upgrade installation can be
>> fixed.
> I changed the DEP setting but in trying to reinstall the original
> upgraded installation, it gets into a vicious loop of:
>     Package file libgcc1 has a corrupt local copy, please remove and retry.
>         And
>     Package file libssp0 has a corrupt local copy, please remove and retry.
>         And
>     Package file libstc++6 has a corrupt local copy, please remove and
>     retry.
> I seem to be able to fix one at a time but not all.  Still trying.
> ...
> Ok, I finally got it all to reinstall but the installation is still
> broken.  Same problems.  Failed postinstalls, "Bad address" errors and
> no bash login shell.
> Anyone have any thoughts as to how to fix this installation?  The
> fallback of course is to wipe Cygwin off and do a complete new
> installation but I'm trying to avoid that if possible with all the
> configs I've made.

On my broken Cygwin upgrade machine (Win2003 R2 w/Terminal Server WOW64)
I attempted a complete removal of Cygwin and a new installation using
the existing download package directory.  IT FAILED.

I had first made sure that DEP was set to Windows-only and then wiped
all trace of Cygwin that I could find off of the machine.  File, env
vars, shortcuts, etc.  I rebooted then I had setup.exe use the existing
package directory to reinstall Cygwin.  It still gets the same errors as
the original installation.

So then I tried moving the download package directory out of the way. 
Clearing off all of Cygwin and trying a brand new install.  IT TOO
FAILED.  Same problems as the original installation.   No Bash login
shell.  Bad address errors.  Broken postinstalls.  And I also noticed
some STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION errors during postinstall phase.

So now I see no way to recover the original machine (w/broken 1.5 to 1.7
upgrade) as far as Cygwin is concerned.  I could not even get a brand
new installation to work.


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