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Re: mintty start menu icon

On 08/26/2010 11:07 AM, Andy Koppe wrote:
2010/8/26 Vincent RiviÃre:
It would be nice if the mintty package could honor the unchecking of "Add
icon to Start Menu"

Yes, that would be nice, but unfortunately setup.exe's design doesn't allow for this. The start menu icon is created by the mintty postinstall script, which is run before the user even gets to the "Add icon to Start Menu" option. Same issue for other packages that create start menu entries.

Well, it sort of does - if you create two packages, mintty (no shortcut menu created) and mintty-shortcut (depends on mintty, and additionally creates the shortcut), then the user can choose whether the shortcut will exist by which package they choose to install. But that's not saying it's the best solution.

Another thought - now that we are patching setup.exe to set env-vars that inform the postinstall scripts about aspects of the installation (such as for all users or just me), setup.exe could also be patched to tell postinstall scripts whether start menu modifications are desired. However, this would require some major surgery, since the current implementation runs postinstall scripts prior to the screen where it asks if a start menu icon should exist.

Eric Blake    +1-801-349-2682
Libvirt virtualization library

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