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Re: mintty start menu icon

2010/8/26 Vincent Rivière <>:
> Hello.
> I do not want a Cygwin folder in my start menu. When I run the Cygwin setup,
> I always uncheck "Add icon to Start Menu" on the last page. Despite of that,
> every time the mintty package is updated, its icon appears again in the
> start menu.
> It would be nice if the mintty package could honor the unchecking of "Add
> icon to Start Menu", just like the legacy Cygwin command prompt.
> --
> Vincent Rivière

Wouldn't it better if the mintty installer asked on its own if this
shortcut were needed on new installs?

I find that I like mintty much better than the stock window and I end
up liking the mintty shortcut and unchecking the add icons in the


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