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symlinks in 1.5 not readable in 1.7

I've been working for months on this problem since 1.7 went official..

I'm runningWin XP Pro sp3 on an all NTFS filesystems. I was a beta tester for several months before 1.7 went official. In all of my testing as beta, my 1.5 symlinks worked in both 1.5 and 1.7. After (or during) the 1.7 becoming official, my many 1.5 symlinks were no longer working. I have spent considerable time attempting to find and fix these 1.5 created symlinks (300+ total) I was quite taken back that such a major change would be thrown in at the last minute. Mabe it was just an oversight.

I am quoting from web page titled: What's new and what changed in Cygwin 1.7
Chapter 1. Cygwin Overview

In one of the bullet items on the first page, it states :
Cygwin 1.7 can read all old style symlinks, but the new style is not compatible with older Cygwin releases.

If this is true, then why am I having these problems now, a few months after 1.7 release? Has anyone else experience these problems or an I just a heavy user of symlinks? Has anyone written a tool that will find and fix these 1.5 symlinks?

Note: cygcheck -s is attached.





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