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Re: associating device names with cygdrive directories

On 8/25/2010 3:03 PM, Christopher Faylor wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 02:47:21PM -0500, Charles D. Russell wrote:
>> On Linux, the mount command reveals the association between filesystem
>> names and /dev/ names, but Cygwin mount doesn't tell.
> Sorry that's not how the mount command works on Linux.  It's not always
> easy to tell the device associated on linux either.  Sometimes you need
> to look at dmesg output.  Unfortunately cygwin has nothing similar.

The wodim command from the cdrtools package includes logic (-scanbus
option) which is able to identify SCSI devices under Cygwin.  It doesn't
map them to the /dev namespace, but it shows that something like you
need may be possible.  Wodim is also able to take a drive letter and
directly use that when writing an ISO file to the drive.

Maybe you could start there and craft a tool to do what you need.


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