--On Tuesday, August 24, 2010 4:49 PM -0400 "Larry Hall (Cygwin)" wrote:
However, I set up the share using net use \\IP\share /savecreds, and that
does mount the drive to Windows at least every time without prompting,
and Cygwin locally is able to use it. It is only an issue with the SSH
Well, that's a completely different thing then. You need Windows to
authenticate that share as the other user then. I think you're stuck
with "net use" option of the FAQ. You can either invoke it each time
you log in via ssh, put it in your favorite rc file, or have a separate
script to do it (which you'd invoke each time).
I've yet to get "net use" to work for me via cygwin.
net use Z: \\W.X.Y.Z\Share <password>
tries to prompt me with a question:
Z: has a remembered connection to \\W.X.Y.Z\Share. Do you want to overwrite
the remembered connection? (Y/N) [Y]: No valid response was provided
I.e., it never gives me the opportunity to answer the question.
If I try changing the drive letter, I get error 67, the network name cannot
be found.
Note that "net use" by itself continues to show the "Unavailable" status for
the Z: drive with that share.