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Re: P4 can't find the TMP directory?

On 8/24/2010 3:28 PM, Mathew Shember wrote:
> Hello,
> Trying to simply do a p4 client and will receive this message:
> $ p4 client
> CreateProcess: "vim" "C:\DOCUME~1\nasinteg\LOCALS~1\Temp\t3428t76.tmp": The system ca
> nnot find the file specified.
> Client side operation(s) failed.  Command aborted.
> I verified the configs for perforce and they are correct.
> The path info is the basic windows env for XP.
> I've tried playing with the paths but no luck.

"vim" is located in /usr/bin and is actually symlink to
/etc/alternatives/vim, and that is in turn a symlink to
/usr/bin/gvim.exe.  The problem is that Windows-native programs don't
know about Cygwin symlinks.  You'll need to configure p4 to run the
gvim.exe file rather than the vim symlink.


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