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Re: Wrong/ inconsistent responses from diff

I'd suspect that /m and /d are on text mounts
and your home directory is on a binary mount, or vice versa.

Thank you. Something's changed though not quite as described above.

Has something changed in the conventions for default mounts? I've either missed something, or I'm doing something wrong.

After installing cygwin 1.7.6 mount -p shows flag textmode. I reverted to 1.7.5 and mount -p shows flag binmode.

For the moment I have reverted to 1.7.5.

This is an utterly horrid change (binmode to textmode) but I guess it is intended (and was probably discussed forever in advance of making it). Please can you confirm (intended change), or is this a glitch (unintended change, to be corrected) or has my installation become de-railed (1.7.6 should be binmode like 1.7.5; somehow, in this local case, is textmode and needs mending locally)?


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