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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cygwin-1.7.6-1

On Aug 21 14:18, Angelo Graziosi wrote:
> Larry Hall wrote:
> >>Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> >>>- Improve performance of stat and a few other functions.  ls(1) should
> >>>  be up to 30% faster
> >>
> >>I have a directory (500MB, 30 files) which contains mainly 'exe' (setups for TB, FF, OO etc.). If I try 'ls -l' in this directory, the first time it take about 30 seconds to list the files. After the first time, the listing is almost without delay. The same happens also with 'ls -l /usr/bin'.
> >>
> >>When there is the 'hang' (30 secs.), Task Manager shows that AVG9 takes about 50% of CPU: this occurs *only* with 1.7.6 but _not_ with 1.7.5, with which 'ls -l' is almost immediate, regardless of the number and type of files.
> >>
> >>Obviously I have tested this, each time, with a 'fresh machine', to avoid 'cache' effects.
> >>
> >>The system is WinXP SP3, AMD Athlon 64X2DC 2.03GHz, 1.75GB RAM.
> >
> >Try a recent snapshot:
> >
> ><>
> I have tried cygwin1-20100820.dll.bz2 and
> cygwin-inst-20100820.tar.bz2, but it is even worse: Cygwin.bat DOES
> NOT start at all and Windows complains with a message like this:
> ...Cannot find entry point CreateProcessAsUserW in KERNEL32.DLL...

The problem is, there *is* an entry point CreateProcessAsUserW in the
Win32 DLL kernel32.dll.

At least on NT-based systems.  What strikes me as weird is that
kernel32.dll usually is stored with its name in all lowercase letters on
NT-based systems.  The fact that you see an all uppercase KERNEL32.DLL
looks like you have such a DLL in your path, possible from Windows
95/98/Me, possibly installed by some third party stuff, at some point
which is found earlier in the DLL search path than the lowercase
kernel32.dll in C:\Windows\System32.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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