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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: vim-7.3.003-1

* Corinna Vinschen (Fri, 20 Aug 2010 14:37:08 +0200)
> I just created a FAT32 partition on W7 and did a base install
> including vim. Then I started setup again and reinstalled just the vim
> package. That worked fine as well. So it has nothing to do with the
> FS, nor with the OS.

I reinstalled vim and got the exact same message again ("Unable to 
extract /usr/bin/vi -- the file is use."). A simultaneous process 
monitor log shows that CreateFile operations result in "DELETE PENDING" 
("Desired Access: Read Control, Disposition: Open, Options: Open Reparse 
Point, Attributes: n/a, ShareMode: Read, Write, Delete, AllocationSize: 
n/a"). Clicking two times on Retry (without changing anything else) 
let's the installation continue.

I ran Process Explorer and it looks like zsh has handles open to vi, 
vim, view and vimdiff - although these executables are definitely not 


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