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Re: Where's my home? (lost in my domain)

Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:
On 8/4/2010 4:22 AM, Linda Walsh wrote:
When I log in, I seem to be placed in "/Users/law.Bliss".

IF I type "cd" and hit return, then I'm in "//Bliss/law".
In other words, the value of HOME is....

[My home vars:]

My /etc/password for user "Bliss\law" (why "\" and not "/"?)
has "//Bliss/law".

Ask Microsoft. It's their convention.
=== (side question)
Cygwin doesn't generally follow Microsoft conventions for pathnames. It substitutes forward-slash for backslash. Since my
user ID is a path of the form <host|domain>[SEP]<user>, out of
idle curiosity, I wondered why foward slash wasn't also used
in user pathnames as it was for file pathnames. Not really my central question, but I completely missed emphasizing it, so let me retry:

Wwhen I start a cygwin window (what I lazily called
'logged in'), I am placed in "/Users/law.Bliss" (on drive C).

Nothing in my home variables or /etc/passwd file mentions
/Users/law.Bliss.  I.e. when I press "cd" and hit return, it
uses the value of HOME (as properly derived via step 2 as
mentioned in /etc/profile) to place me in "//Bliss/law".

So why am I   *starting out*  in /Users/law.Bliss when it
isn't mentioned anywhere?


(That was my main question. Sometimes, in describing a problem, I ask too many side questions and forget to emphasize the actual question I was writing least it was my 1st line! *sigh*)

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