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Re: mkshortcut --allusers --smprograms

On 6/29/2009 2:53 PM, Andy Koppe wrote:
> Shortcuts created by postinstall scripts using mkshortcut --allusers
> --smprograms aren't readable for ordinary users, so all they get to
> see in the start menu is a white dummy icon that doesn't do anything.
> This affects both MinTTY and rxvt, at least with Cygwin 1.7 on Windows
> 7. I guess the scripts could find out where the start menu is and
> apply the necessary rights themselves, but it would make sense and be
> much more convenient if mkshortcut did that.

Andy, if you'd like to roll this change into a forward-port of your
other, wideAPI/locale patch, that'd be great.


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