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Re: CygWin Security & Performance Issues

On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 11:55 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> Really? ?As far as I understood from the docs, SUA is rather styled
> after SVR4.

Looks like I got it into my head that if a Unix isn't GNU, it must be
BSD. Obviously, I was wrong *

* "Wrong," said Renner.
  "The tactful way," Rod said quietly, "the polite way to disagree
with the Senator would be to say, `That turns out not to be the
-- Niven and Pournelle, The Mote In God's Eye

Life is complex, with real and imaginary parts.
"Ok, it boots. Which means it must be bug-free and perfect. " -- Linus Torvalds
"People disagree with me. I just ignore them." -- Linus Torvalds

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