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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Update on status of make-3.82 release for cygwin

On 8/10/2010 1:21 PM, Christopher Faylor wrote:
On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 01:13:41PM -0700, Rob Walker wrote:
On Cygwin, make-3.82 supports DOS paths by default.  I'm curious about
what work might be involved in re-enabling the --ms-dos option, and I'd
like to help, if I can.

I built my Cygwin make-3.82 packages directly from the upstream release
tarball using the attached script.
I don't need help.  I've been building make for years so I obviously
don't need your script.

Sorry for the confusion: I was not offering my script as "hey look, here's how you do it", I was more saying "I did it this way, but maybe that's too simple. What else is involved, and can I help with that?"

So: I'm still curious about the work you anticipate might be required. There's not much on the Cygwin site detailing the responsibilities of a package maintainer beyond:

   /Do you have the time to maintain the package?/
   Packages without active maintainers are pulled from the
   distribution. Generally speaking the time commitment is relatively
   low, simply subscribe to the cygwin mailing list. We'd prefer if you
   read the non-digest mode since prompt response to packaging issues
   is a plus. When a /bug/ in your package is reported in the cygwin
   mailing list, address the bug (if it's a Cygwin-only bug) or pass
   back to the vendor. When a solution exists, create an updated
   package with the fix in it, and send a notification that you need
   the package uploaded to cygwin-apps. Note that you are not expected
   to be a helpdesk for the package - the users should be pointed to
   the vendors lists if you've determined that the bug is not a
   Cygwin-related bug.


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