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R: Exception handling: cannot correctly catch the exception

--- Mer 30/6/10, Dmitry Katsubo  ha scritto:

> Dear CygWin users & developers!
> Please, give me a hint, how to deal with the following
> problem
> correctly. I have some code, that calls GraphicsMagick
> function and I
> want to catch the exception thrown. Unfortunately, this
> does not happen,
> when I compile the code with CygWin:
> C:\test\bugs\cygwin_exception_test>
> cygwin_exception_test.exe
> terminate called after throwing an instance of
> 'Magick::ErrorFileOpen'
> ? what():? Magick: Unable to open file (aaaa)
> reported by
> /pub/cygports/graphicksmagick/GraphicsMagick-1.3.7-2/src/GraphicsMagick-1.3.7/magick/constitute.c:8268
> (ReadImage)
> ? ? ? 1 [sig] cygwin_exception_test 9488
> open_stackdumpfile: Dumping
> stack trace to cygwin_exception_test.exe.stackdump
> For Debian it works as expected:
> root@debian:~/test/bugs/cygwin_exception_test#
> ./cygwin_exception_test
> Cannot open file 'aaaa'
> Or is it a GCC-specific problem? Any workarounds?
> Additional information:
> * Cygwin setup v2.697, gcc-g++-3.4.4-999,
> libGraphicsMagick3-1.3.7-2
> * Debian squeeze, gcc-4.4.4-5,
> libgraphicsmagick++3-1.3.12-1

GraphicsMagick is built with gcc-4,
so you should test gcc-4 and not gcc-3.
Gcc-3 dosn't work with C++ exception 

> -- 
> With best regards,
> Dmitry


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