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Re: 1.7.6 snapshot: intermittent "CreateProcessW failed"

On 29 June 2010 11:33, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> On Jun 29 10:48, Andy Koppe wrote:
>> C:/bin on /usr/bin type ntfs (binary,auto)
>> C:/lib on /usr/lib type ntfs (binary,auto)
>> C: on / type ntfs (binary,auto)
> Urgh. ÂI hope you know what you're doing...

Yeah, I do trust the Cygwin package maintainers not to overwrite
/Windows or /Users.

> However, I didn't immediately realize that "\??\C:\bin\sh.exe" is the
> exact string used in the call to CreateProcessW. ÂWhich is wrong, of course,
> since \??\ is a native NT path. ÂThat should be "\\?\" when calling a
> Win32 wide char function.
> I found two lines in the code which accidentally copied a native NT path
> into the WCHAR process name storage, rather than the Win32 path. ÂI fixed
> that in CVS, but since I couldn't reproduce the problem yet, it would be
> helpful if you could test it.

I've been running three builds in parallel for over an hour without
fault now, where previously there would have been a failure within
five minutes, so I think this can be considered fixed. Thanks very

>> Unfortunately the top-level make just exits early before really doing
>> anything if I run it through strace (see below). It starts doing
>> actual work if I add '-f' to the strace arguments, but then of course
>> strace no longer captures events in sub-makes, which is where the
>> problem occurs.
> Hmm. ÂDid you run make from a mintty? ÂDoes it work if you start it
> from a Windows console in notty mode?

I got the same issue both in mintty and in the console. For the
record: setting MAKE="strace -f make" did the trick for the sub-makes.


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