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Mail program

Good Morning

I am in need of of a mail program similar to the mail found in AIX. I am emulating an AIX environment.

I've installed the email, ssmtp and other email apps in the email. I get a segmentation fault for email

I like email as it seems to accept the same parameters and funcitonality as the AIX mail app. I have a multitude of scripts that use the format:

         echo ${MESSAGE} | mail -s '${SUBJECT}' ${EMAIL}

Where ${EMAIL} is a comma delimited list of addresses.

I've compiled the mailutils from gnu but I get a different error there which I'll take up with the

Anyone got any ideas on how to get email to work without a segmentation fault? 

Where can I obtain the source for email? I've pretty much hit cygwin head first and am not as familiar with it as I am with AIX. My apologies for the newbie questions.



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