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Re: Moving Cygwin directory safe?

Greetings, Michael Ludwig!

> To be complete on this issue and include one detail I omitted from my
> list: Explorer failed to copy some files (SSH keys), which belonged to
> the user NT-AUTORITÄT\SYSTEM and could not be read by my admin user, so
> I had to do the following:

>   subinacl /file C:\cygwin\etc\ssh* /setowner=michael
>   subinacl /file C:\cygwin\etc\ssh*key /grant=michael=R

> (This is XP Home, which does not come with the real security tab in
> Explorer, so you have to resort to supplementary tools.)

Thanks for this hint.
I rarely deal with this... variant, to be polite, of Windows, was not aware of
such workaround to the permissions issue. Will keep in mind.

 Andrey Repin ( 29.06.2010, <2:23>

Sorry for my terrible english...

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