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Cygport improvements


I am planning to bring mingw-w64 to cygwin. Here are some nits I found when working with it.

* It sets CC=gcc
While not a major issue, it does present some issues when cross compiling the mingw-w64 CRT.

* Implicitly setting --prefix=/usr
While I understand this is suitable for native builds, perhaps adding some cross compile logic to disable this?

* Libtool logic too smart
This is partly a GCC issue too, since it insists installing dlls to PREFIX/bin. However, manually moving around the dlls and fixing up the .la paths after install causes cygport to fail with "[ ../../..: Unary operator expected.", "../../.. not installed" of sorts error around src_postinst.cygpart:590.

Packaging GCC presents some challenge, there is a packaging hack in the src_install part. I will try to fix that in GCC.

Attachment: w64-binutils-2.20.51-1.cygport
Description: Text document

Attachment: w64-crt-20100625-1.cygport
Description: Text document

Attachment: w64-gcc-4.6.20100619-1.cygport
Description: Text document

Attachment: w64-headers-20100625-1.cygport
Description: Text document

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