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CTRL-Space issue in Emacs under X on Windows XP machine.

I'm a long time user of Emacs and expect the CTRL-Space key
combination to run the set-mark-command. On most machines I use this
is the case, but on one Windows XP machine running Emacs under X that
I use at work the key combination doesn't work. On this machine Emacs
behaves as is I've not pressed any keys at all. I've checked the key
bindings for the set-mark-command and CTRL-Space is listed (see
attachments). The CTRL-@ combination does work on this machine, but it
is not the one I'm used to using for this purpose. Does anyone have
any ideas what else to check?


Attachment: set-mark-command.binding
Description: Binary data

Attachment: cygcheck.out
Description: Binary data

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