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Re: Python 2.6 - ctypes (specifically _ctypes) cannot be imported - Eclipse pydev integration broken as a result

On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 02:51:58PM -0500, Yaakov (Cygwin/X) wrote:
>On Wed, 2010-06-23 at 07:20 -0400, Jason Tishler wrote:
>> Done.
>> However, if a user downgrades from python-2.6.5-2 to python-2.5.5-1,
>> then the ncurses dependency will not be correct -- it should be
>> libncurses10 instead of libncursesw10.
>That's a general problem with setup: it doesn't allow for different
>requires: for curr: and prev:.  I always keep my deps correct for curr:,
>figuring that users will have prev:s deps from when it was curr:.

I've opted for using the union of previous and curr requirements but
that's not really too great either.  This is one of many places where
we could use a real package manager.


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