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Re: Windows Server 2008 64-bit setup.exe/bash problem

> Try turning on Vista compatibility for the setup.exe. And later for
MinTTY or
> any terminal, if you use it.

Another good suggestion...  In 2008 there's not a Vista compatibility
option, but there are XP and Server 2003 options; I tried installing it
with XP compatibility set on setup.exe but still have the same problem, it
chokes on the postinstall scripts and generates bash stack dumps.

I tried the more "hardcore" method of turning off DEP as well;
bcdedit.exe /set {current} nx AlwaysOff.  It is "Windows Server Datacenter
sp2" and does appear to have terminal services installed, so the DEP was a
good call too but turning it off doesn't appear to help.

Also, seeing some older posts, I tried running bash from C:\WINDOWS
\SYSWOW64\CMD.EXE instead but that doesn't help.

I did have McAfee on there but had turned it all off...  I went ahead and
fully uninstalled it.  Still the same problem.


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