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Re: missing dependency in setup.ini

On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 08:35:26PM +0200, Gary wrote:
>Paul McFerrin wrote:
>> Here is my useage:
>> /c/cygwin/updates.$ man sort
>> /bin/sh: /usr/bin/gunzip: No such file or directory
>> fgets: No such file or directory
>> Error reading man page /usr/share/man/man1/sort.1.gz
>> No manual entry for sort
>I saw something similar the other day (can't remember if it was gunzip
>related) but when I tried again it worked. That is
>$ man whatev-er-it-was
>$ man whatev-er-it-was
>(man page displayed)
>It was so odd that I put it down to sun spot activity. I mean... either
>it's there or it's not, right?

You weren't, by any chance, experimenting with a cat in a box and some
quantum particles were you?


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