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Re: Image fuction bug in Octave-3.2 in Vista x86

On Sat, Jun 12, 2010 at 05:17:01AM +0000, Marco Atzeri wrote:
> --- Ven 11/6/10, James Eric Pruitt  ha scritto:
> [cut]
> > As mentioned before, I get the error in terminal.txt (have
> > you looked 
> > at it yet?) or? something similar regardless of
> > whether or not I have X11
> > installed and? running or not. I've gone through 4
> > clean Cygwin 
> > installations trying to? figure out what the problem
> > was and I just got 
> > tired of re-downloading things. If you remove X11 from your
> > cygwin 
> > installation, you will see that your terminal output still
> > does not 
> > produce a crash.
> > 
> > Yes, you are correct I do not have X11 installed (right
> > now) but that 
> > shouldn't make octave crash and produce a dump when running
> > the image 
> > function.
> > 
> > Eric
> your code is fine and works with and without X, no crash.
> So I doubt it is a specific octave issue, it is more likely
> linked to your machine.
> 2 possible causes:
> 1) BLODA 
> 2) Dll address collisions
>    have you tried rebaseall ?
> The first is obvious and it is the biggest problem
> working with Cygwin, specially Antivirus.

I'm using Microsoft Security Essentials on both the Windows Vista host 
and the Windows XP virtual machine I tested Cygwin on without any 

>From the list, I have Windows Defender installed but disabled. My laptop
does require the ATi Catalyst drivers.

> The second, as octave loads a lot of Dll's, is more easy 
> to trigger than for simpler programs.

After running rebaseall, things seem to work now. Is there a way to do 
some form rebase as part of my Cygwin startup?


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