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Re: EMACS key mapping problem

On 6/9/2010 5:11 AM, Steven Woody wrote:

When I hit C-x C-c and intend to exit cygwin, but I get only an error
message: "C-x C-g" is undefined.  What's the problem? And, How can I
exit from emacs?

You're probably running emacs in the Cygwin console. If so, you have to make sure your CYGWIN environment variable contains tty before you start the console. Alternatively (and better), run emacs in mintty or under X11.

Another related problem is,  when I hit the Alt-Shift-# and intend to
launch the 'Calc' package, but only get 'M-# is undefined.  How do I
know if the 'Calc' installed in my emacs? And, if not, how do I
install it?

Yes, it is installed in /usr/share/emacs/23.2/lisp/calc. 'info calc' gets you the manual.


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