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Re: Unicode/UTF-8 support (MinTTY) - ncursesw - Mutt, Vim

Andy Koppe schrieb am 07.06.2010 um 19:17 (+0100):
> On 7 June 2010 13:44, Michael Ludwig wrote:

> > As you say, Vim works fine with UTF-8. It's just that until very
> > recently, I've been using the rxvt terminal emulator, which lacks
> > Unicode support; so Vim being compiled against ncurses (*without*
> > wide characters) was a good match.
> >
> > Now that I'm switching to the MinTTY terminal, which supports
> > Unicode/UTF-8, I need a Vim compiled against ncursesw (*with*
> > wide characters) if my assessment of the situation is correct.

My assessment was incorrect.

> If vim works fine with UTF-8 already, what does it matter which
> ncurses it's linked against? I don't know vim's internals, but I'd
> guess it works without ncursesw because it does its own screen
> buffering and displaying, using ncurses only for accessing the
> terminfo database.

I don't have much of an idea of what ncurses is actually used for,
nor how Unicode support works in Vim. I simply "assessed" the two
were somehow connected. :-)

The truth is rather trivial and refreshing. My ~/.vimrc contained
some hard-coded configuration for Latin1 on Cygwin (win32unix):

  " MiLu: Cygwin/rxvt kann nur Latin1.
  if has('win32unix')
    set termencoding=latin1

That setting applied on a UTF-8 terminal garbled input, output and
display for non-ASCII characters. After eliminating that it all works
fine. Thanks for not letting my "assessment" pass!

Michael Ludwig

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