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Re: bug report: cygwin 1.7.5, perl *** fatal error TP_NUM_W_BUFS too smal

On 6/7/2010 12:41 PM, Christopher Faylor wrote:
On Mon, Jun 07, 2010 at 11:48:54AM -0700, Nasser M. Abbasi wrote:

This is a bug report. attached is output of cygcheck -s -v -r (I get some access denited warnings btw):

$ cygcheck -s -v -r>  cygcheck.out
/usr/bin/cygrunsrv: warning: OpenService failed for 'DcomLaunch': Win32
error 5
Access is denied.
/usr/bin/cygrunsrv: warning: OpenService failed for 'pla': Win32 error 5
Access is denied.
/usr/bin/cygrunsrv: warning: OpenService failed for 'QWAVE': Win32 error 5
Access is denied.
/usr/bin/cygrunsrv: warning: OpenService failed for 'RpcEptMapper':
Win32 error 5
Access is denied.
/usr/bin/cygrunsrv: warning: OpenService failed for 'RpcSs': Win32 error 5
Access is denied.

This looks suspicious:

Warning: C:\cygwin\bin\perl.exe hides G:\LATEX\perl\bin\perl.exe

That would indicate that you have two versions of perl on your system.


Yes, I have the windows version of perl (Active Perl 5.1) and cygwin own perl.

What is wrong with this? I need the windows version to be able to use latex2html on windows, since I am not able to use latex2html installed on cygwin.

Can't one install different perl on windows if they have cygwin with its own perl? cygwin perl comes before windows perl. windows perl is on windows path (defined by using windows, outside cygwin).

$ echo $PATH
m:/cygdrive/c/Windows/System32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0/:/cygdrive/c/Program Files
(x86)/ATI Technologies/ATI.ACE/Core-Static:/cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/MATL
AB/R2008b Student/bin:/cygdrive/c/Program Files (x86)/MATLAB/R2008b Student/bin/

me@me-PC ~
$ which perl


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