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Re: New Mintty Beta via setup

On Sun, Jun 06, 2010 at 03:21:42AM +0100, Andy Koppe wrote:
>Lee Rothstein wrote:
>>> On my sys, uninstalled the old one, and installed nada, zilch, niemands,
>>> zip, bupkis, nothing, the null set.
>For some reason, when the test version is selected in setup.exe, the
>checkbox in the 'Bin?' (as in "Binary", rather than a British waste
>container) column gets cleared, which indeed means you get nuffing. So
>make sure to tick that checkbox.
>(Is this a setup.exe bug? Something wrong about the packaging?)

I forgot to mention that I believe you have to check the "Exp" box at
the top.  It is far from optimal UI to have to do this, though, IMO.

So, yeah, if you want to say that's a bug, I'm inclined to agree.

But, anyway, cygcheck says I have the latest version, along with a
handful of other beta packages that setup.exe was kind enough to install
for me.


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