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Re: Cygwin Performance and stat()

> Can't really parse that sentence.

Then load your English parser.

> I haven't detected any "picking on" but then I can't claim to have
> written the fhandler* code anymore Corinna has rewritten most of it.  I
> do know that if you want to be taken seriously you really need to send a
> concrete suggestion/patch.

I don't know the right answer to the problem.

BUT... I have shown how to do achieve similar results to the dll, but with
significantly less overhead.

So... the person who cared to improve his/her/its code would say,  "Well
we use NTOpenFile() because it does the blah blah extra functionality that
FindNextFile()/GetFileAttributes() do not."  Then we could look to other
Win32 APIs to try to achieve those results.

For example opening a file on Windows for the purposes of stat()ing a file
is dumb, considering the way most Windows Virus Scanners work.

> So far, it seems to me that you're basically thinking out loud and
> expecting us to fill in the blanks.  That's not an effective way to
> getting anything changed.

Yes, thinking out loud is an effective way for a team to work together. 
You should try it....

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