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Re: Cygwin Performance and stat()

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On 06/04/2010 11:07 AM, Christopher Wingert wrote:
> Again, not production, this was to highlight a point and to enhance (I
> would assume) the most common use case (file to file rsync).
> Plenty of solutions for a good patch, complete the Windows version of
> stat() or call the Cygwin version if the Window's version fails.
> Since I don't have any confidence that the "Cygwin organization" will
> accept any patch I write (per Faylor), I really have no incentive to do
> the job right.

That's where you're wrong.  Any patch you write that is technically
sound and shows a measurable improvement will most likely be accepted.
And any patch you write that is not technically sound will at least be
thoughtfully reviewed, with an explanation why it is not technically
sound.  But until there is a patch proposed, we can't review it.  And
ultimately, this is open source - even if your patch is not accepted
upstream, you are STILL free to use it in your own environment for your
own speedup.  In other words, you should have all the incentive you
need, regardless of what we say before your patch has been written.

Eric Blake    +1-801-349-2682
Libvirt virtualization library

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