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"1.7.5: question about running cron tasks as normal local user (no domain users / no local admin group users)"


After upgrading to version 1.7.5 running cron tasks for normal local
users doesnt work anymore. 

For those users cron always reports the following error:
cron.exe: *** fatal error - could not load user32, Win32 error 1114

This seems to be related to similar issues as described for ssh
authentication via privat/public keys.

I followed all the suggestion for the above topic but this doesnt solve
the issue for running cron tasks.

I dont have any problem with ssh authentication via private/public key
pairs - so I think my configuration should be appropriate.

My virtual Windows box running under Windows 2000 Professional.
I only have local Users ( no domain users ).

The Problem doesnt happen for users of the local admin group - for those
users it works as expcted.

Even the problem didnt occur with the old 1.5 version.

Please could someone point me how to solve the issue.

Thanks in advance

Adi Treiner


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